Stockholm Lutheran
Our Mission
When Jesus called his disciples, He said, “Follow Me!” The Gospel is a mandate for us to be followers of Christ. In following Him, we come to know and love our God. Serving Him demands our active response. Out of this theology grows an understanding of stewardship.
Stewardship, or serving Christ, includes the practice of systematic and proportionate giving of our time, of our abilities, and our material resources. These gifts we received from God, who entrusted them to us to be use in His service. Let us do this in response to Christ’s redeeming love.
At Stockholm Lutheran Church, the gifts are unique. Warm acceptance of fellow worshipers, rural values, Scandinavian heritage, and strong family ties bind this church as a unit unlike any other. Thus, for 150 years, the congregation has flourished and grown as the agriculture around it.
Now we must be ever vigilent and not allow the Church to take a lower place in our priorities, or ignore the responsibilities which are inherent to be an active member of the body of Christ. We need to devote ourselves as stewards of the Church and accept our Mission for Christ.
Let us strive to defend the whole Church, give it Pastors and Ministers filled with the Holy Spirit, and choose leaders among us who guidance is based on Faith and Wisdom. Let our strength come from the knowledge and use of the Word and the Holy Sacraments. Let us be a light to our neighbors and our families.
Let us give support to our brothers and sisters in Christ in times of trial and raise our youth to go out into the world as reflections of Christ’s light in the world. Let us be a comfort to those in sorrow or need, sickness or adversity, and give thanks for the blessings heaped upon us.
Lord, this is our Mission and Our Prayer–hear it and give us strength to accomplish it.
In the name of the Lord and Savior.